Monday, March 15, 2010

Components of a Defect Report

Excelon prides itself on providing one of the best documented bug reports in the industry. Our talented team of Quality testers has experience working with a wide array of reporting tools including Quality center, PVCS, PeopleSoft and Bugzilla.

A good bug report consists of the following elements:-
1. Bug Title: Concise but should be clear enough to briefly described the encountered problem
2. Steps to reproduce: Provide clear and concise steps to reproduce the problem. Augment with as much information as possible to help the development team reproduce the problem
3. Actual and Expected Result: What was the actual and expected outcome of the test case
4. Severity: This describes the degree to which the product or service is affected by the encountered scenario.
5.Priority: This describes how quickly the reported problem needs to be fixed.
6.Environment: This is critical if the product is being tested on multiple servers, databases, browsers or operating systems. Clearly specify the environment being used for testing in this column.
7.Files \ Attachments \ Screenshots: Augment the bug report by adding all relevant files used in testing or obtained as output, Server or console logs as attachments and screenshots of any encountered error

There can be several more fields added to bug reports depending on the requirements of the clients. This includes the sub component of the project, version, external or internal reported defects etc. Excelon will work with you on an individualized basis to customize the reporting solution best suited to your needs

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